Congratulations on your engagement and we are excited to be a resource throughout your planning process. As a Connecticut Wedding planner, who focus on Connecticut Wedding Budgets for fusion couples, we love all of the pretty pictures of table decor and lush floral arrangements, but we will get to that later. Over here, we believe in balancing the budget and the beautiful, so let’s talk about all things Connecticut Wedding Budgets.

When sitting down with newly engaged couples to discuss #allofthethings, my first question usually hits the couple with a BANG! It isn’t sexy, dreamy or romantic, it’s down right uncomfortable. Sis, we are talking about the budget. Everyone has one, so don’t clam up on your girl. Whether your budget is $40,000 or $400,000, each couple has a hard stop on what they are willing to invest to bring their wedding dreams to fruition. Your Connecticut Wedding Budget can be addressed!
Now you ask, Kim, why is a Connecticut wedding budget first? My answer, it impacts every decision that you make. From the bouquet to the bar, everything has a cost and we dig deep into educating our #curatedcouples on how to allocate those hard earned dollars to plan a Connecticut Fusion or South Asian Wedding.
Each and every couple, wedding, and budget is different, so gather all of the stakeholders. Instagram and Pinterest posts and pick a number that feels good, then come and holla at your girl Conact Us!
Check out our Instagram or Pinterest!
If we want to hear more about our budgeting tips, check out our blogs below!
The Budget & The Beautiful: Episode 1 “How much did you say that costs again?”
The Budget & The Beautiful: Episode 2 “Everyone Can’t Come”
The Budget & the Beautiful Ep. 3 “I Love it, but do I really need it”